Monday, October 15, 2007

Intellectual Property & Piracy

So I thought instead of thinking about intellectual property as a whole, I thought I'd explore a subtopic in it that I came across in one of the articles: piracy (and no, not just because it sounds like pirates). According to Merriam-Webster, piracy means "the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright." It also means "an act of robbery on the high seas," but that definition doesn't really apply to this subject.
I thought about some main targets of piracy, and i came up with a few... some of which I myself have been guilty of (dun dun DUN!!). Obviously when people think of intellectual property and piracy they think of downloading music, which has single-handedly brought record companies to its knees. Another major victim of piracy-- also a part of the entertainment industry-- is the movie industry. You can now go to a number of sites that allow you to view bootlegged movies for free.
The problem of piracy is a touchy subject. The recording industry has begun suing selected people caught in the act of music piracy, but this has in no way deterred others. The more the industry seems to go after people, the more mad the public gets and then downloads even more files. The situation they have put themselves in has actually caused a problem with an impossible solution (the impossibility lying in the fact that there doesn't seem to be one at all).

Video of the... next couple of days?: I didn't appreciate this show until it was gone. My little brother used to make me watch it. I was more interested in Doug and Rugrats (the ORIGINAL Rugrats, before Tommy got a new brother and Chucky's dad got remarried). This cartoon is one of a kind.

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