Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wikipedia... and Zero 7

Like almost all Zero 7 websites, the Wikipedia fails to be a definitive source on the band. Every site I have visited has left something to be desired. And while the Wikipedia article has been the most informative article I have yet to come across, it lacks a lot of biographical information that I have seen on other websites. It is also missing one of their songs that was featured in an episode of MTV's "True Life" series (which was "Destiny," also on the Blue Crush soundtrack). I also want to add more links to other Zero 7 sites and articles.

Zero 7 Wikipedia article:

Official Zero 7 website:

Lacoste website (the song "Destiny" is playing in the background):

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Computer- Tool or Machine?

I think that the role of computers is overexaggerated in our society. While computers are required in most realms of business or education, they by no means run our lives. I personally have been able to go days without being near a computer. To say that they are machines that run our lives is an exaggeration for most.

The computer-- even in our society-- is nothing more than a tool. It is a tool to learn on, a tool to work with, and a tool to make life more convenient. Its convenience can reach from typing up a document faster than one can write, to saving someone a trip to the library by having access to an online database of journals, or to buy something online rather than venture to the actual store. It is a tool that enriches our lives. It does not run it.

While computers have played a large part in popular culture and other areas of entertainment, it is not the sole vehicle to which entertainment reaches us. Movies, videogames, and other electronic forms of recreation have been made widely available before the computer was a common househole electronic.

Lastly, while computers have become a staple for most households, it does not run the household. There is a possibility that one day the computer will run the lives of individuals in our society, but that day has not yet come. Until we are no longer able to function in our daily lives without accessing a computer (which is much easier than most think), it no more than a mere tool which we use to enrich our lives, not control it.